Celebration of "Virxe das Dores", Guillarei

Celebration of "Virxe das Dores", Guillarei

This weekend we can enjoy the celebration of "Virxe das Dores" of Guillarei, Let´s go!?

Tha parish of Guillarei, in Tui, will celebrate during this days 13, 14, 15 and 16 of september its party in honor of the "Virxe das Dores".

Friday 13 of september, the big palenque bombstrip will announce the beginning of the celebration.
At night will celebrate the traditional switched on the lights for, later, start the party with the Graffiti Orchestra and at 00.30 hours, big actuation of the tribute group to Queen and the group "La Nave".

Saturday 14, […]

Contest “Enmárcate en Tui”

Contest “Enmárcate en Tui”

The “Council of Tui”, through the Tourism and Heritage Department, convoca el I Concurso Fotográfico “Enmárcate en Tui”.

En este concurso podrán participar todas las personas mayores de edad que lo deseen, with a maximum of two photographs taken within the framework located in the Motorhomes Area, in the old bridge over the Tripes river, on the street Martinez Padin, being able to appear in the pics the number os persons that the author deemed appropiate

Those interested in participating in the contest should send the pictures with the model of registration, que está accesible en la web tui.gal al correo electrónico comunicacion@tui.gal, cubriendo […]